Zach has Two Daddies
The Blue Voice, a reliable source for well-written, thoughtful progressive pieces, recently postedGay Parenting vs. Xtian Parenting. In it they introduce us two gay dads of another young man named Zach.
Tim and Bill Matheson, who have been together for over 25 years, raised Zach since he was born and his mother gave him up for adoption. Zach says, "My family is pretty normal. I feel that I'm more tolerant of differences people might have, as opposed to someone with a mom and a dad."
All this flies in the face of people like James Dobson who claim Gay parents will try to turn adopted children into homosexuals like themselves. They also claim that gay parents can't provide a loving environment like a straight couple can. Tim and Bill and hundreds of thousands of other gay parents prove them wrong daily.
Not being a parent myself, I cannot imagine the challenges involved in raising a teen, but recent studies reveal that lesbian and gay parents do just as well as the straight set, and even if we had them, I could NEVER conceive of warping my kids' sexual orientation by sending them to a Homo Makeover Camp. Not only is it cruel, it's a waste of money: it could never work.
...but if you try and make your kid into something they're not, you might as well flush your money down the toilet!
Unless you just want to torment and punish them.
It really does your heart good to read stories like those of Tim and Bill Matheson, and their son. Talk about a loving environment. I'd stack Tim and Bill Matheson's household against those of Dobson's and his friends anytime. Which brings to mind an interesting subject for a wee test: Let Dobson, and Tim and Bill Matheson each write about their home lives and the rasing of their kids. Remove anything in the stories that identifies the people in them, their sex or sexual orientation. Then pass the stories around and let kids pick which homes they'd rather live in.
Love to see the look on Dobson's face when the results came back.
Tough job raising kids. No doubt a lot of gays can do it better than a lot of straights. Could hardly do worse in many cases.
Bruce, I love your suggestion! Let the child decide who is the best parent. My experience with teenagers is that they know what is best for them and can give their folks excellent advice on parenting.
raising teens is a challenge; even if you're experienced, are conscientious and try to do all the right things. I've raised 3 and I'm looking at raising 3 more. I ought to have my head examined :)
Peterson, MY experience with teenagers is...not only do they "know what is best for them"...but they know what is best for EVERYBODY...and they will be very glad to tell you. Like, yeah.
...James Dobson who claim Gay parents will try to turn adopted children into homosexuals like themselves.
Interesting, this part. I can't really see a gay couple even think of it. On the other hand, we know for a fact that some religious extremist, like the other Zach's parents, have no problem giving it a try...
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